Finding Stillness Within

Beginner Silent Retreat with Rebecca Rehorn and Sara Wendt
October 11 – 15
| Registration Now Open

Discover an oasis of peace. When the turbulence of mental busyness subsides and your mind becomes still, a deep sense of happiness and contentment naturally arises from within. This is the most amazing thing. When we experience this through the power of our own meditation, we become confident, strong, and truly feel alive.

This silent retreat is an unequaxled opportunity to become aware of the peaceful nature of your mind. Through combining silence, clear and accessible instructions on how to quieten the mind and open the heart, and the support of meditating in a group in the Temple, your mind will become still and you will discover a different quality of happiness that is infinitely more satisfying than the frenetic and ephemeral pleasures we normally chase after. The approach taken will be experiential. You will receive essential techniques for effective and joyful meditation, have ample opportunity to enjoy the deep stillness of a retreat, and get instructions on how to weave this experience into your life going forward. 

Modern day life is sometimes so noisy, hectic and busy that it is easy to live our life on the surface of our mind, disconnected from the deeper levels of tranquility within. To help us reconnect two powerful contemplative techniques will be utilized.

First, the practice of silence will aid us in finding the beauty of stillness within. Second, this retreat will involve a great reduction in the use of our smartphones, tablets, and the other digital distractions that clutter our mind. This helps us discover an exceptional level of peace and mental clarity within. A priceless opportunity for your digital detox!

Advice on how to engage in both of these practices will be given in the Friday night orientation session. Everyone is welcome, including experienced meditators!

Teacher: Rebecca Rehorn

Rebecca has taught at KMC NY and maintained a Branch Class for nearly 14 years.  Rebecca is passionate about sharing Buddha’s teachings to help others gain an experience of inner spaciousness and peace.

Teacher: Sara Wendt

Sara has been a Kadampa practitioner for 23 years. She’s been teaching the Sunday Prayers for World Peace class since she moved to the area from NYC three years ago. Before that Sara taught various branches, General Program classes and the Foundation Program at the Kadampa Meditation Center, NYC. She’s very happy to now call Glen Spey her home.

Course Information:

There are three parts to registration: course fee, accommodations and meals. Certain types of accommodation may require booking for the full event. Dorm and BYO camping accommodations are usually available by the night. Please confirm availability at booking. Our meals are vegetarian, with vegan and wheat-free options, and are cooked onsite by our resident chef.

Full Retreat: $105
Meals: $10/each lunch or dinner


Foundation Program Introduction


The Healing Power of Loving Kindness