Foundation Program Introduction

with Gen Samten Kelsang
October 6
| 4pm – 9pm | FREE!

“With the intention to attain the ultimate supreme goal that surpasses even the wish-granting jewel, may I cherish all beings as supreme.”

This line begins the exquisite Eight Verses of Training the Mind, a 12th-century poem by the beloved Buddhist master Geshe Langri Tangpa. Our Sunday Foundation Program class will embark on a journey into the commentary to this text, as presented in The New Eight Steps to Happiness.

Join us for our introduction to the Foundation Program on Sunday, Oct 6. Learn about what FP has to offer as well as looking into the new book being studied, The New Eight Steps to Happiness. Anyone is welcome to try out the first class to get a taste of the format and learn about the commitments and perks of being on the Foundation Program.

The Foundation Program is a wonderful program. It's a chance to apply a committed approach to studying a Buddhist text in a dedicated community of like-minded practitioners. You have a chance to dive more deeply than our normal classes, we have more time for exploration, discussion, and questions, and there is added community support throughout the week.

It's time to move from the theoretical and abstract to lived, experiential change. And that is what we will be focusing on as we study this together and see how to use it in our meditative lives.


Introduction to Foundation Program | 4pm – 6pm
Dinner Break | 6 - 7pm
First Class | 7 - 9pm

Teacher: Gen Samten Kelsang

One of Venerable Geshe-la’s senior disciples, Gen Samten Kelsang oversees the spiritual program at KMC New York, and teaches throughout the US and around the world. Having engaged in a three-year meditation retreat, he is renowned for the clarity of his teachings, ability to help students improve their practice, and skill in leading practitioners to profound meditative insights.


Overcoming Anger


Finding Stillness Within