Inner Clarity, Inner Strength

Beginners Silent Retreat with Gen Kelsang Rigpa
January 3 – 6
| Registration Opens November 13 at 2pm ET

Discover an oasis of peace. When the turbulence of mental busyness subsides and your mind becomes still, a deep sense of happiness and contentment naturally arises from within. This is the most amazing thing. When we see this through our own experience, we become confident and strong.

A silent retreat is an unequaled opportunity to become aware of the peaceful nature of your mind. Through utilizing silence, clear and accessible instructions on how to meditate, and the support of meditating in a group on a meditation retreat, your practice will deepen tremendously. Everyone is welcome!

Inner Clarity Diamond

In this experiential retreat, you will:

  • Learn how to engage in the profound and transformative meditation on the clarity of your mind

  • Receive essential techniques for effective and joyful meditation

  • Have ample opportunity to enjoy the deep stillness of a retreat amidst your busy lifestyle

  • Get instructions on how to weave this experience into your life going forward

Gen Kelsang Rigpa

Teacher: Gen Kelsang Rigpa

GEN KELSANG RIGPA is the Western US National Spiritual Director of the NKT-IKBU and the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center LA. Through his clear presentation and heartfelt teachings, he is able to help students easily integrate Buddha’s timeless teachings into our modern world, in a way that makes everyday life joyful and meaningful.

Course Information:

There are three parts to registration: course fee, accommodations and meals. Certain types of accommodation may require booking for the full event. Dorm and BYO camping accommodations are usually available by the night. Please confirm availability at booking. Our meals are vegetarian, with vegan and wheat-free options, and are cooked onsite by our resident chef.

Retreat: $85
Meals: $10/each lunch or dinner


Oral Instructions of Mahamudra