Guru Yoga Preliminary Retreat

with Gen Samten Kelsang
December 1 – 5 | Registration Opens October 9 at 2 pm ET

Guru yoga is an especially powerful method for receiving the blessings of Buddhas and increasing merit. During this retreat, we focus on a special practice to receive the blessings of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka, and receive his help in dispelling our delusions and outer obstacles. We create a connection with him to ripen our Buddha nature and purify all dualistic appearance. We gain the ability to effortlessly benefit all living beings.

Teacher: Gen Samten Kelsang

One of Venerable Geshe-la’s senior disciples, Gen Samten Kelsang oversees the spiritual program at KMC New York, and teaches throughout the US and around the world. Having engaged in a three-year meditation retreat, he is renowned for the clarity of his teachings, ability to help students improve their practice, and skill in leading practitioners to profound meditative insights.

Course Information:

There are three parts to registration: course fee, accommodations and meals. Certain types of accommodation may require booking for the full event. Dorm and BYO camping accommodations are usually available by the night. Please confirm availability at booking. Our meals are vegetarian, with vegan and wheat-free options, and are cooked onsite by our resident chef. You can book the entire event or just part of the event.

Full Retreat: $70
Sunday Introduction: $10
Monday – Thursday: $15/day
Meals: $10/each lunch or dinner


Sunday Introduction: 7:30 – 9pm
Monday – Thursday:
Session 1: 9 – 10am (unguided)
Session 2: 11:30am – 1pm (guided)
Session 3: 4:30 – 5:45pm (unguided)
Session 4: 7:30 – 9pm (guided)

Final session will be on Thursday at 7:30pm


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