Nyungnay Purifying Ritual Practice
with Gen Samten Kelsang
April 13 – 15 | Registration Open
Come celebrate Buddha’s enlightenment day! Nyungnay is a beloved practice engaged in every year to honor and remember Buddha’s enlightenment. This special purification and fasting practice is performed together with prayers and prostrations to the Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion. It is very powerful for purifying negativity and strong delusions such as desirous attachment and anger. It is also a special method for receiving blessings and improving our experience of love, compassion, and bodhichitta.
Day 1 Guidelines: No breakfast, only 1 meal 12 - 1pm, no food after. You can drink water/tea for the day.
Day 2 Guidelines: You have a choice to do a complete fast on the second day (no food or water) until day 3 at dawn. Or repeat the same as Day 1.
Teacher: Gen Samten Kelsang
One of Venerable Geshe-la’s senior disciples, Gen Samten Kelsang oversees the spiritual program at KMC New York, and teaches throughout the US and around the world. Having engaged in a three-year meditation retreat, he is renowned for the clarity of his teachings, ability to help students improve their practice, and skill in leading practitioners to profound meditative insights.
Course Information:
There are three parts to registration: course fee, accommodations and meals. Certain types of accommodation may require booking for the full event. Dorm and BYO camping accommodations are usually available by the night. Please confirm availability at booking. Our meals are vegetarian, with vegan and wheat-free options, and are cooked onsite by our resident chef. You can book the entire event or just part of the event.
Full Retreat: $20
Membership Discount: Basic: no discount | Standard: 50% | Plus: 100%
Meals: $10/each lunch or dinner