Mother’s Appreciation Breakfast

May 11 | Registration Open

Join us for our Mother’s Appreciation Breakfast and a special Prayers for World Peace!
The breakfast will include an extensive vegetarian brunch, with all the amenities lovingly prepared for you. You can come alone, bring friends or even a mother! 

Afterwards, join in our Prayers for World Peace. In Buddhist meditation, we use a mother or a guardian as an example of a selfless type of love. Through admiring that example, we can then embody that kind-hearted attitude with more and more people, and eventually the whole world. We will see how to bring that mindset into our life so we can be a force for good. Everyone welcome!

This food-for-thought event is part of our Catskills Getaway Weekend which includes a Saturday meditation workshop.

Pre-registration is required.

Coming Soon!

Event Schedule:
Sunday Special Food for Thought: 9:30am
Sunday Prayers for World Peace: 11am - 12:30pm

Breakfast: $20 per person, or $35 for 2
Sunday Prayers for World Peace:
by donation


Living in the Present


Transform Your Life with Loving Kindness – a Buddhist Approach