Living in the Present

Catskill Getaway Mother’s Day Weekend & Workshop
May 9 – 11
| Registration Open

Catskills Getaway Weekends are perfectly designed to enjoy a relaxed away from the busyness of life, with plenty of time to explore the woodlands, hiking trails, or the natural charm of the Catskills.

This weekend, enjoy a special public talk with Gen Samten Kelsang on how we can establish, refresh, or improve our meditation practice. In our Saturday morning workshop, learn how meditation can help us solve daily problems and find happiness.

Our popular Food for Thought event takes place on Sunday, May 11 as our Mothers Appreciation Breakfast and Prayers for World Peace. It’ s wonderful chance to a peaceful tone for your return. You can book all three for a complete retreat, along with accommodations, or come for any part of the weekend!

Friday Night: Make Meditation Work for You

Free Public Talk with Gen Samten Kelsang
Everyone can meditate! Meditation simply means to familiarize our mind with virtue, or something that makes us feel peaceful. Therefore, just trying is succeeding.
We can run into problems as meditators, though. Racing thoughts, confusion about what to do, low self-esteem, and other factors can create a sense of frustration in creating an effective meditation practice. In this public talk, Gen Samten will give inspiring, practical instruction on how to navigate these challenges that can arise in a meditation practice. From over 40 years of experience practicing and teaching meditation, he will share a wealth of wisdom advice on how to create a lasting, effective, and joyful meditation practice. Everyone welcome!

Saturday Workshop:

When we live in the moment and tune in to the constant flux of the world around us, we can stop clinging to the past and future and discover an open, spacious mind. This allows us to relax and respond with creativity to life’s challenges. In this course, we will explore essential meditations to simplify our life, stop overthinking and recognize impermanence. The result: a joyful, present-centered mindset. Everyone is welcome!

Sunday Food for Thought:

Join us for our Mother’s Appreciation Breakfast and a special Prayers for World Peace! The breakfast will include an extensive vegetarian brunch, with all the amenities lovingly prepared for you. You can come alone, bring friends or even a mother! 

Afterwards, join in our Prayers for World Peace. In Buddhist meditation, we use a mother or a guardian as an example of a selfless type of love. Through admiring that example, we can then embody that kind-hearted attitude with more and more people, and eventually the whole world. We will see how to bring that mindset into our life so we can be a force for good. Everyone welcome!

Friday Teacher: Gen Samten Kelsang

Resident Teacher of KMC New York: One of Venerable Geshe-la’s senior disciples, Gen Samten Kelsang oversees the spiritual program at KMC New York, and teaches throughout the US and around the world. Having engaged in a three-year meditation retreat, he is renowned for the clarity of his teachings, ability to help students improve their practice, and skill in leading practitioners to profound meditative insights.

Saturday Teacher: TBD

The workshop will be taught by a KMC NY teacher.

Sunday Teacher: Sara Wendt

Sara has been a Kadampa practitioner for 23 years. She’s been teaching the Sunday Prayers for World Peace class since she moved to the area from NYC three years ago. Before that Sara taught various branches, General Program classes and the Foundation Program at the Kadampa Meditation Center, NYC. She’s very happy to now call Glen Spey her home.

Course Information:

There are three parts to registration: course fee, accommodations and meals. Certain types of accommodation may require booking for the full event. Dorm and BYO camping accommodations are usually available by the night. Please confirm availability at booking. Our meals are vegetarian, with vegan and wheat-free options, and are cooked onsite by our resident chef. You can book the entire event or just part of the event.

Food for Thought: $20 per person, or $35 for 2
Saturday Workshop: $30 per person, lunch is included
Sunday Prayers for World Peace: by donation
Meals: $10/each lunch or dinner


Free Public Talk with Gen Samten | 7 - 8:30pm
Saturday Workshop | Session 1: 10 – 11:15am | Session 2: 11:45am – 1pm | Lunch: 1 – 2pm
Sunday Special Food for Thought | 9:30am Sunday Prayers for World Peace | 11am - 12:30pm


Make Meditation Work for You


Mother’s Appreciation Breakfast