Make Meditation Work for You

Free Public Talk with Gen Samten Kelsang
Friday, May 9 | 7 – 8:30pm

Everyone can meditate! Meditation simply means to familiarize our mind with virtue, or something that makes us feel peaceful. Therefore, just trying is succeeding.
We can run into problems as meditators, though. Racing thoughts, confusion about what to do, low self-esteem, and other factors can create a sense of frustration in creating an effective meditation practice. In this public talk, Gen Samten will give inspiring, practical instruction on how to navigate these challenges that can arise in a meditation practice. From over 40 years of experience practicing and teaching meditation, he will share a wealth of wisdom advice on how to create a lasting, effective, and joyful meditation practice. Everyone welcome!

Cost: FREE

Teacher: Gen Samten Kelsang

Resident Teacher of KMC New York: One of Venerable Geshe-la’s senior disciples, Gen Samten Kelsang oversees the spiritual program at KMC New York, and teaches throughout the US and around the world. Having engaged in a three-year meditation retreat, he is renowned for the clarity of his teachings, ability to help students improve their practice, and skill in leading practitioners to profound meditative insights.


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Living in the Present